Twitter Sentiment analysis & Visualization



Perform Sentiment analysis and visualization on tweets to compare and contrast events or topics on Twitter. Analyzing the sentiment of three popular Airlines of Middle East: Qatar Airways, Emirates and Etihad is the objective of this project.


This tutorial is a Do It Yourself project, organised as a part of the Women in Data Science Qatar event. The tutorial is self paced with sufficient explanations and further references under each module. Code for the project can also be found in the github repository.

This project will concentrate on Sentiment Analysis and Visualization of Twitter data. Various modules such as: data collection from Twitter, pre-processing, sentiment analysis and visualization are involved.

Instructions to use this Tutorial

  1. Read the tutorial chapter by chapter, as each chapter will explain a module of Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Visualization2.

  2. The steps written in the following format: These are action steps for you to do.

  3. You can download the entire project code from the following github repository and you can choose to follow the tutorial steps or follow the tutorial using the files from cloned github repository instead of creating new files.


Python 2.7

Python modules: Tweepy & TextBlob



For Windows, go to and click onDownload and install Python 2.7.13, the latest version.Be sure to check on add path to environment variable while installing.

For Mac OSx, go to scroll and download thePython 2.7.13, latest version.

For Linux, Ubuntu, download and install the python2.x package from

On installing Python 2.7, to test if it’s installed properly, open command prompt or terminal and type python

You will get a similar response depending on your OS:

Python 2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.


On installing python, type the following commands from the command prompt or terminal.

We will first download the python package installer PyPA to install python libraries. To install pip installer, follow the instructions below.

For Windows:

Search for command prompt desktop app

Right click and run command prompt as administrator

Type the following in command prompt: (note that -U will install all dependencies required for any package/ library)

python -m pip install -U pip

For Mac:

To open Terminal go to : Application/utility/Terminal

Then write the following command on the terminal:(Type sudo at the beginning of admin privileges are required)

pip install -U pip

For Linux:

Open Terminal and type the following command. (Type sudo at the beginning of admin privileges are required)

pip install -U pip

Now the tweepy and textblob python modules are downloaded, we will use tweepy for authenticating and connecting with Twitter, to collect tweets and TextBlob for performing sentiment analysis. TextBlob is used for many other NLP use-cases such as parts-of-speech tagging, one of the popular usage is sentiment analysis.

Type the following commands one after the other, in your command prompt or terminal to install the python libraries.

Tweepy :- pip install -U tweepy

TextBlob :- pip install -U textblob

NOTE: For programming using python, you can use the Python IDLE installed in your system to edit and run your code. Or use any text editor of your choice to edit and run your code using command prompt from the specific folder where your project is located.

You are now ready to do Twitter Sentiment Analysis and Visualization! Get started with the Data Collection from Twitter.

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